티스토리 뷰

When you hear music and you want to download music to your smartphone

I try to search on Yahoo or Google, but there are a lot of malicious advertisements, so weird apps are downloaded together, making even normal use impossible.

This time,

Let's take a look at a pleasant free mp3 download site.


1/How to use it

On the same page

Search for the music you want in the search box.

After searching, you will see several downloadable locations,

I want the best sound quality, so

I will download large capacity.

Choose the music that sounds right.


I will download it now.

Click on the blue box to download the source and you're done.

The download is complete.


Now you can enjoy.


If you want to add subtitles to your music or edit your album file


You can found at.


 I hope it will be of help.

(It will translate soon)
